Maintenance is often given very little thought when a marble or stone floor is installed but it is vitally important that a comprehensive marble polishing maintenance program is set up to keep your marble floors looking their brilliant best.
Many feel that with a cleaner or cleaning company looking after the marble or stone they have it covered but the majority of cleaning companies lack the knowledge and expertise to keep a marble or stone floor looking its best.
At Max Cleaning Services we are happy to work along with any cleaning contractor to aid them in getting the best from the floors they are maintaining which benefits both the contractor and their client.
The deterioration of a stone floor can be subtle at first but will eventually manifest itself with dull patches and unsightly scratches.
If a good maintenance program is implemented this can delay the visible signs of wear and tear on a marble or stone floor for many years and ultimately save money.
Max Cleaning Services are able to create a maintenance program in conjunction with the cleaning contractor to help them improve in their general cleaning of the residential or commercial facility. The cleaning company will benefit as the floor will be easier to clean and maintain. This could include the routine visit of a professional stone floor polisher to supplement the cleaning being carried out by the cleaning contractors.
There are many factors that can make a maintenance program successful. The products used by the cleaning contractors could be causing damage to the stone or are not as effective as a different more stone friendly product. There are many different types of aftermarket sealers and the right product for your type of stone is imperative in getting the best look from it. Even the application of the product can require a high level of expertise to get the best result.
There are also many different types of polish that can be used frequently to maintain the appearance of the floor.
Sometimes a comprehensive overhaul of the stone floor will give the cleaner or contractors a sound basis to be able to carry a higher level of cleaning. This could require anything from a deep clean and reseal to a total restoration.
If because of the natural wear and tear or poor maintenance the floor does require a full marble floor restoration Max Cleaning Services uses the best products on the market to achieve the highest standard of finish possible.
Many feel that the added expense of a specialist stone maintenance program is an added cost they could do without but failure to maintain a stone floor will only result
in added expenses later on.
At Max Cleaning Services we are commited to maintaining stone floors to the very highest standards possible to continue to make them a joy to look at and walk on for many years to come.
Give Max Cleaning Services a call to discuss your requirements
and we will be happy to attend a site visit to analyse your floor and initiate a floor maintenance program to suit your needs.
Call us on 07956822549 07956822549 or use our contact form.